The project reflects on the presumable future of the Russian northern monotowns, based on its unique formation story behind. The project team of artists and researchers explore the social, cultural and economic reality of industrial cities and by rethinking its meaning today try to create an alternative subjective version of the development of these places focussing on real picture of a place and its people.
The notion of Russian European North as perspective place of living was firmly shaped by the Soviet Union. Multinational newcomers generation of the North had a clear mission and formed a unique multicultural community, open to new ideas and people. Now their children and followers have an another perspective, as the exceptional status of a northerner is very questionable.
By implementing this project we want to tell the stories of a new generation of northerners who are in search of their inner identity, whose search is overlapped with the general condition of many cities in the post-Soviet space that lost their identity and are depersonalized. This is a unique group of inhabitants of industrial and northern monotowns who are children of conquerors of the North.
The project is curated and produced by Fridaymilk.